What We Are All About

Welcome to "Mothers Who Know!" This blog was inspired by the words of Julie Beck delivered at an LDS General Conference in 2007. There are days when I am running on empty and feeling inadequate at my job as mother, wife, and homemaker. I have been wishing for sometime that there was a place that I could go to pose a question about parenting, mothering, running a household...all the things that make up my little corner of the universe. In searching the web, I haven't found a place like this where I can ask other women about my personal dilemma and have them give me an honest answer based on their life experiences.

What I'm hoping for from this blog is for mothers to help mothers, regardless of age, religious affiliation, political views, and life experiences. I hope to build an online community of women who offer their help to each other for no other reason than to help another mother on her path.

To submit a question, please press the "Contact Us" button at the side of this page. Your question will be posted and the readers of this blog will have the opportunity to comment with their motherly wisdom.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

No's the word

Dear Mothers,

My three year old says no to everything I ask her. Pick up toys: No! Time to eat: No! Time for bed: No! Put on your coat: No! It's driving me crazy! What do I do?

Pulling my hair out


  1. I hear no a lot, too. Things seem to go better, however, when I ask questions that don't allow no as an answer: Would you like to wear your pink pjs or yellow pjs? Should we pick up blocks first or crayons first? Sometimes, too, I defer to a higher authority--the microwave timer. We'll race the timer or let the timer tell us when it's bedtime. Don't know what it says about my parenting that my kids sometimes respond better to an appliance than to me, but there you have it. . .

  2. This happened to a family I knew...they started asking her, "do you mean yes?" and she would say, "yes," and do whatever it was that was asked of her...not always of course.

  3. Sometimes they get to make choices and other times they need to do what they're asked. Maybe a dialogue about what choices the 3 year old DOES have would help (which pants to wear, what game to play, whether to eat chicken or a sandwich at lunch time...) and what they need to do when told (come to the table, pick up your toys, please use your inside voice...) Sometimes the kids just like to use their "power" and it's a trip for them, but respecting boundaries has to start young or it won't be as easy to fix it later.
